Acronyms and Terms

AcronymsCommon Meaning(s):
1BSingle Barrel
4RFour Roses (aka FR)
4RYLFour Roses Yellow Label
ABAbraham Bowman
ABVAlcohol By Volume, expressed as a percentage. Ex. 90% ABV, which is 45 proof.
AEAngel’s Envy
AECSAngel’s Envy, Cask Strength
AHHA.H. Hirsch
ASAge Stated
BFBrown Foreman
BIBBottled in Bond (but you knew that already, didn’t you?)
BPBarrel Proof
BTBuffalo Trace
BTACBuffalo Trace Antique Collection
BTECBuffalo Trace Experimental Collection
CEHTColonel E. H. Taylor (aka EHT)
CONUSContinental United States (usually used in reference to shipping)
CSCask Strength
ECElijah Craig
ECBPElijah Craig Barrel Proof
EHTColonel E. H. Taylor (aka CEHT)
ETLElmer T. Lee
FCFighting Cock
FRFour Roses (aka 4R)
GDGeorge Dickel
GNSGrain Neutral Spirits
GTSGeorge T. Stagg (part of the BTAC)
HHHeaven Hill
HWHigh West
JBJim Beam
JDJack Daniels
JPSJefferson’s Presidential Select
LELimited Edition
Lot BVan Winkle Special Reserve Lot B
M10, M20Michter’s 10 Year, Michters 20 Year
MMMakers Mark
MWNDMid-Winter Nights Dram (from High West)
NASNon-Age Stated
OESO, OESF, OESV, OESK, OBSO, OBSF, OBSV, OBSKThese are the Four Roses bourbon recipes. You should try them all. Learn More
OFOld Forester (some use it as Old Fitzgerald)
OFBBOld Forester Birthday Bourbon
OGDOld Grand Dad
ORVWOld Rip Van Winkle
OSOld Scout
OWAOld Weller Antique
Pf or PF or pfProof
PVWPappy Van Winkle
RHFRock Hill Farms
RHRRittenhouse Rye
RRRRussell’s Reserve Rye
RYRebel Yell
SASmooth Ambler
SMOSSmooth Ambler Old Scout
SBSingle Barrel (aka 1B)
SFTBStraight from the Barrel ( A Blanton’s international release)
SmBSmall Batch
THHThomas H. Handy (part of the BTAC)
VWFRRVan Winkle Family Reserve Rye
W12Weller 12
WFEWillett Family Estate
WLWWilliam Larue Weller (part of the BTAC)
WRWoodford Reserve
WTWild Turkey
WTRBWild Turkey Rare Breed
YOYears Old

Terms are coming soon!